With all hands on deck tackling carbon emission, the global energy transition from fossil fuels to alternative renewable and sustainable energy sources is rapidly increasing in momentum. Williams Munroe Energy is at the heart of this transition, connecting energy companies with the talent that will set them apart.
They partner with Oil & Gas, Renewable and Sustainable Energy companies and their supply chain across the globe, from the Middle East and Europe to Far Asia and the Americas, helping them solve their energy transition challenges.
For the last 30+ years, Jon has lived, worked, and played alongside his energy clients, their supply chain, and the workforce across the continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Americas.
Having partnered all that time with a team of men and women who get things done right, first time, at the job site - no matter where it is - desert, plains, tropics, tundra, artic, or marine, he truly understands what it takes to get talent delivering successful energy projects.
An energy engineer by background, he is passionate about people, technology, solving problems and joining the dots up between them effectively and creatively - to that end - he unequivocally believes in the united power of people and partnering to achieve solutions.
It is that experience and know-how that is embedded in the Williams Munroe Energy DNA - we cherish partnering with the energy sector to create teams and solutions that get the job done right, first time, every time.